Terms & Conditions

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Terms and Conditions for Aesthetics Lab International Training Academy – ALITA:

These Terms and Conditions are integral to the agreement between Aesthetics Lab International Training Academy (ALITA) and the Student. It is imperative for the Student to thoroughly read, comprehend, and acknowledge the significance of these Terms and Conditions. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions will constitute a significant breach of the contract between ALITA and the Student. These Terms and Conditions cannot be altered or amended without the explicit written consent of the Managing Director of ALITA.


1.1 Before enrolling in a Course, the Student is expected to conduct a comprehensive review of the Course content. Additionally, the Student may have participated in an interview (conducted online or by telephone) where the Course details were fully elucidated. To secure a place on a Course, Students must pay a deposit, which will be deducted from the total Course fee. Upon confirmation of enrolment, the Student becomes liable to pay the balance of the total Course fee. All deposits and Course fees are non-refundable. The course could be transferred 2 weeks before the start date. 

1.2 If a Student fails to attend, is unable to take up their place, drops out, or withdraws from the Course, or is removed from the Course, no refunds of the deposit or the total Course fee will be issued. Furthermore, the Student will not be entitled to placement in a similar Course on a different date in the future. Even if a Student chooses to withdraw or cannot undertake the Course for any reason after enrolment confirmation, they remain liable to pay any outstanding Course fee balance.

1.3 The Course fee charged by ALITA includes overhead costs, expenses, preparatory work, specialized equipment, materials required for the Course, and payments made to the awarding bodies. Therefore, once enrolled, deposits and Course fees will not be refunded. Fees can be paid in full at the time of enrolment or with a deposit, with the balance due no later than seven (7) days before the Course start date. Failure to adhere to this may result in forfeiture of the deposit and the balance becoming due.

1.4 Course fees may be paid via 0% finance structure provided by ALITA. This is subject to credit check and approval. The finance application must be filled out and approved and set up at least ten (10) working days before the Course start date.

1.5 Students must purchase kit (s) and towel bundles for practice, unless otherwise specified (excluding Laser Course(s)). Failure to bring the required items may result in inability to attend lessons/practice or be assessed.

1.6 Students are required to practice on other students unless models are specified by ALITA for practical assessments.

1.7 Many of the courses may require a patch test at least 48 hours prior to the Course date, especially for eye and laser treatments. This requirement will be specified in the Course information provided and part of the consultation form. 

1.8 Students with medical conditions that may affect their ability to undertake the Course must notify ALITA in writing before enrolling and should be disclosed on the student application form. Late notification or non-disclosure may result in liability for any disruptions or loss incurred.

1.9 ALITA regulations mandate that all students be well-presented at all times, adhere to uniform guidelines, maintain personal hygiene standards, and behave professionally and respectfully.

1.10 Students must wear the appropriate uniform for their Course and every lesson, including ALITA tunic, plain black trousers, and smart closed flat black shoes.

1.11 Students must maintain professional and respectful behaviour towards fellow students, teaching staff, and others within the Academy. Any conduct deemed disruptive, abusive, bullying, or disrespectful may result in removal from the Course.

1.12 ALITA reserves the right to alter Course content, curriculum, and syllabus without prior notice to ensure compliance and appropriateness.

1.13 Parents or legal guardians of Students under 18 years old are responsible for enrolment fees, general behaviour, and discipline. Their support and encouragement to uphold the Academy’s reputation are expected.

1.14 Students with concerns or complaints about the Course must formally notify their Course lecturer in writing within 48 hours. ALITA will investigate and endeavour to address concerns, but resolutions will not include refunds or Course transfers. Complaints received after Course completion will not be entertained.

ALITA General School Regulations:

2.1 It is mandatory for all students to wear the Academy’s uniform, which may be subject to periodic updates. The uniform comprises of the Academy tunic, black trousers, and smart closed flat black shoes.

2.2 Students must adhere to grooming standards, including hair tied up above the collar, short nails, and wearing day make-up. During Academy hours, wearing jewellery (except a wedding band and ear studs) is prohibited.

2.3 Lockers must be maintained clean and tidy. Students are responsible for their padlocks and personal belongings, which they bring to the Academy at their own risk. The Academy does not accept liability for any loss or damage to these items. Lost locker keys necessitate arranging a locksmith at the student’s expense. Belongings left in lockers overnight may be removed by the Academy, and students can claim them within two weeks.

2.4 Students are advised against bringing jewellery, valuables, or cash to the Academy, as the Academy cannot be held responsible for their safekeeping or any loss.

2.5 VTCT certificates and portfolio folders must be collected within specific timeframes from the Academy’s notification date or Course completion date, respectively. Failure to collect within the stipulated period may result in secure destruction of the folders.

2.6 Students are required to model for practical classes unless alternate arrangements are made with the Academy upon enrolment. Failure to notify the School in advance may result in termination of the Course, forfeiture of fees, and immediate payment of any outstanding balance.

2.7 Attendance at demonstrations and extracurricular activities is mandatory.

2.8 Class timings may be subject to change, and the Academy reserves the right to alter them as deemed necessary.

2.9 CIDESCO/CIBTAC and VTCT classes have specific timings, and students are expected to adhere to them.

2.10 Client days are essential components of certain Courses and must be attended by students.

2.11 Punctuality is crucial, and latecomers may face disciplinary action after three separate instances of tardiness.

2.12 Absenteeism requires timely notification to the Academy with a medical note required for absences exceeding three days.

2.13 Leaving the School premises without permission constitutes absence for the morning or afternoon session.

2.14 Various factors, including attendance, punctuality, and conduct, contribute to the awarding of diplomas/certificates.

2.15 Completion of required hours and thorough knowledge of Course material are prerequisites for assessments and examinations.

2.16 Passing CIBTAC examinations is a prerequisite for CIDESCO examinations.

2.17 Minimum attendance requirements apply for VTCT Courses, and excessive absences may lead to examination exclusion.

2.18 Additional teaching hours to compensate for missed education due to lateness or absenteeism are not provided.

2.19 Resit fees may apply for failed VTCT theory tests, subject to Academy discretion.

2.20 Additional teaching/supervision/assessment sessions are chargeable for incomplete assessments during the Course.

2.21 Additional fees may apply for joining subsequent intakes to complete missed work and assessments.

2.22 Retake fees apply for exam retakes, and fees may be charged for refresher training.

2.23 Academy is closed on UK public holidays, with no adjustments made to Course duration or fees. Absences for personal reasons must be discussed and agreed upon at the time of enrolment.

2.24 Completion of a Course does not guarantee qualification or certification. Awards are granted based on fulfilment of criteria set by awarding bodies, with the Academy’s decision final.

2.25 The Academy accepts limited liability for damage, loss, injury, or death on its premises, except in cases of negligence. This does not affect consumer rights.